K -Abbreviation for key (black) in four-color process printing (CMYK). Kelvin - A unit of measure used to describe the color temperature of a light source, such as the 5000K standard viewing conditions. Key Plate - Negative or plate that prints the most detail (usually black) and to which other plates are aligned. Keyline - A guide to a printing job. All the key elements such as type or illustrations are pasted down (usually with wax) to indicate size and position on artwork board or poster board. Kilobyte - K, Kb or KB. A unit of measuring digital information which equals 1024 bytes. |
Kiss Cut - To die cut the top layer but not the backing of self-adhesive paper. Kiss Impression - Lightest possible impression that will transfer ink to a substrate. Knock Out - To clear an area of absolutely every printing dot; or to outline an image and drop out all dots surrounding it. Kraft Paper - Strong brown paper made with unbleached wood pulp and used for grocery bags, envelopes and wrapping paper. L back to top Lacquer - A clear resin/solvent coating, usually glossy, applied to a printed sheet for protection or appearance. |