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Laminate - To bond a plastic film by heat and pressure to a printed sheet for protection and appearance.

Lap Register - Register where ink colors overlap slightly.

Large-format imagesetter - In-house equipment to output computer files, typically full impositions, to strippable films 23" x 35" or larger.

Layout - A drawing that gives the general appearance of the finished piece and usually indicates the relationship between illustrations and copy.

Leading - (pronounced ledd-ing) The linespace, or white space, between lines of copy measured in points.

Leaf - One sheet of paper in a publication. Each side of a leaf is one page.

Letterpress - A method of printing where the wrong-reading raised surface of a printing plate is inked and impressed directly onto the paper. There are four types of letterpress presses; platen, flatbed cylinder, rotary and belt.

Line Copy - High contrast images or type without shading which do not require halftone screening.

Lithography - Method of printing using plates whose image areas attract ink and whose non-image areas repel ink. The images are first printed onto a rubber blanket and then offset to paper.

Live Matter - The vital parts or elements of a printed piece which must not be trimmed off.

Loupe - Magnifying lens built into a small stand. Used to inspect copy, film, proofs, plates and printing.

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