M - The abbreviation for magenta in the four-color process(CMYK). Also the abbreviation for "one thousand". Magenta - One of the three subtractive primary colors of process printing. It is commonly called "process red". Makegood - The rerun of an ad or printed piece by a publisher or printer because of their error. Makeready - The process of setting up and adjusting a printing press for a particular ink, paper and set of printing conditions prior to a press run. Also, the paper used during these adjustments. Margin - The blank space around the image area of a page, also referred to as a gutter. Mask - An opaque overlay placed over any part of a photo or separation negative that should not be exposed to light. Master - To etch pits (tracks) into the Glass Master (acts like a negative) from which a CD-ROM "stamper" is made. Mastering/pressing CD-ROMs - Preparation of compact disc read-only memory (CD-ROM) discs from customer-supplied materials as alternative or value-added sales opportunity. |
Matchprint - 3M�s negative or positive single sheet proofing system which simulates SWOP specifications. Mechanical - Complete pages, with text, line art and crop marks in position, ready to be photographed or output to film. Metameric Colors - Colors that can change their perceived hue depending on the different lighting conditions. Metric System - A decimal system adopted by most countries for solid, liquid and distance measurements. Midtone - The tonal values of an image that fall midway between the highlight and shadow dots. Modeling - The apparent detail in a picture indicating that the objects are three dimensional; having surface texture or relief such as the ripple on an orange peel or the texture of a woven fabric. Moire - Objectionable patterns that appear at regular frequencies when two or more screen patterns are placed over one another. May be caused by misalignment, incorrect screen angles, slipping or slurring. Mottle - Spotty or speckled printing. |