We value your privacy
  MasterPiece, LLC believes that
  your data is one of your
  greatest assets. You can feel
  confident that your data is
  stored securely

Please review our data privacy policy. If you
have any questions or concerns, please feel free
to contact Don Stamler. You can reach Don via
phone at 703-369-2700.

Online MasterTracker & Estimator
Your personal or company data is confidential
and is not realeased to any person or organization.
Your data is never shared or sold in any way.

Client Provided Mailing Data
Data provided to MasterPiece, LLC is only used for the purposes
of the client in which the data was sent unless otherwise
instructed in writing by the client and or list owner. Once the
data processing has been completed for the job in which it was
intended, the data is stored on our secure server for an indefinant
period of time unless instructed differently from the client in
writing. The client can request that all data files provided to
MasterPiece, LLC be removed from MasterPiece, LLC's data server
by submitting this request in writing, however, MasterPiece, LLC
is required by the United States Postal Service to hold data used
in postal presorting for at least one calendar year.

MasterPiece, LLC's Data Server Security
Our data server is only accessible by MasterPiece, LLC DataMail
staff and is not accessible from outside our internal local area
network. Your data is never shared or sold in any way without
your request.
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   © Copyright 2023 MasterPiece, LLC, 11565 Hicks Court, Manassas, VA 20112 Phone (703) 369-2700